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How do I connect to my game server using an FTP client?

**Step 1 Download an FTP client, e.g. WinSCP

**Step 2

Then go to the game server panel and click on Settings. Here you see in the section "SFTP Details" the necessary data to establish a SFTP connection to the server.

*PS. If you have a default client for FTP actions you can simply click on "Launch SFTP" and after entering the password you are immediately connected to the server.

**Step 3

Now we open WinSCP and enter the following data:

Transfer protocol: SFTP

Server address: FQDN of Gameservernode

Port number: 2022

Username: SFTP Username

Password: Password from Gamespanel

Please replace with your own data which can be found in the "SFTP Details"!

**Step 4

If the correct data has been entered, we now have a connection to the FTP server and can upload / edit files etc. via it.

Vincent Riedel

Vincent Riedel

06.07.2022 18:03